Top 10 Surfschule FAQs

What happens if my surf course is canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions?

If your surfing course cannot take place due to the current measures in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, you can make up for it at a later date or you will receive a full refund of the course fee from us.

Are there parking facilities on site?

When you reach the campsite, the parking lot is to the left of the main entrance. For a parking pass, you only need the booking confirmation of your surfing course. Simply show this at the reception of the campsite.

Can you recommend accommodations in the area?

We have put together our favorites around the Salzhaff region for you. From a tent under a starry sky to a fully equipped apartment, everything is included:

When is the best time for rentals at the surf school?

We have set fixed rental times for you, so you can be well advised and fully equipped to hit the water: daily from 9:30-11 AM and from 2-3:30 PM.

How is the surfing equipment I use insured?

The training equipment from our material pool is covered by the kitesurfing school. We accept material damage caused by us during training as a gesture of goodwill. If surfing equipment and equipment is lost, the course participant is liable.

Should I bring food and snacks for my surf day?

We recommend that you pack a water bottle and a small snack (for example, a bar) for strength. On-site at the campsite, you can relax after your training at the fish stand with the most delicious smoked fish and cool drinks right by the water, dine at the beautiful restaurant Seaside Pepelow with a view of the Haff, or visit the beach bar (small snacks, coffee, and cocktails) in the holiday village San Pepelone. Super delicious soft ice cream from Ilka Eis is available directly opposite the surf school, as well as a small supermarket for daily needs.

What happens if the wind is not sufficient?

In this case, we offer our wind guarantee: Unused hours on the water can be made up at a new appointment or credited towards your next surf course. This way, we promote quick and safe learning, and you can make the most of your time on the water. By the way: If needed, we use a motorboat to ensure optimal training conditions for you in any wind direction.

What is the minimum age and minimum weight to learn kitesurfing?

There is no clear age limit for kitesurfing, as children develop very differently both physically and mentally during this phase of life. Your child should be able to concentrate and engage in sports for an hour. Generally, we recommend a minimum age of 15 years and a minimum weight of 55 kg. For younger children who want to learn kitesurfing, we offer private kitesurfing lessons.

Wie ist der Ablauf beim Kitekurs?

Unser bewährtes Schulungssystem basiert auf 8 Könnensstufen (Steps). In deinem Kitecamp wirst du mit uns durch alle Steps geführt (im Anfängerkurs von Step 1 bis Step 4).
Das Ziel der 8 Schritte ist es, mit dem Kite in der Luft und auf dem Wasser sicher umzugehen.

Das sind die einzelnen Steps im Überblick (die Reihenfolge kann je nach Wind- und Wetterbedingungen variieren):
Step 1: Basics and Safety

In this step, you will first receive a safety briefing. Afterwards, you will learn everything about wind detection and then move directly to practicing and internalizing the theory and basics of kite control in the water* (kite's flight area). In doing so, you will become very familiar with the wind window. For the first flight exercises, we use the Softkite Flysurfer Viron, which is also great fun with less wind! *In light wind conditions, Step 1 takes place on land.

Step 2: Flight school, relaunch, and body drag

Now you practice controlled power building with the kite. This is followed by training for controlled active launching, flying, and landing of the kite in the water. Additionally, you will learn to independently launch the kite from the water (relaunch). During the body drag, a pull generated by the wind on the kite, you let yourself be pulled across the water by the active power of your kite (without a board).

Step 3: Territory Assignment and Setup

In this step, you will receive a spot briefing including a safety check and then start with the setup of the kite, combined with safety training on land (functional analysis of kite and bar). You will learn how to carry the kite, launch it, fly it in a controlled manner, and land it again. Additionally, we will repeat the exercises for kite control in the water as well as the body drags.

Step 4: Wasserstart und erste Fahrversuche

Nachdem du gelernt hast, den Kite sicher zu fliegen und dich beim Bodydrag neben anderen Wassersportlern auf dem Salzhaff wohlfühlst, steht der erste Brettkontakt an. Dies erfolgt Schritt für Schritt, da du dich nun nicht mehr nur auf das Fliegen des Kites sondern auch auf das Handling des Boards konzentrieren musst. Für die Vorübungen zum Wasserstart nutzen wir das Board, um das Bodydragen zu erleichtern. Du trainierst, die Füße sicher in die Fußschlaufen zu bekommen, während du selbstständig den Kite fliegst. Hierfür ist das stehtiefe Wasser mit wenig Welle perfekt geeignet und du wirst schnelle Erfolge feiern beim Fahren deiner ersten Meter.

Step 5: Rules of Conduct

After you have already gathered your first kitesurfing experiences on the water, this step is about solidifying your knowledge and internalizing the correct behavior at the kite spot. This includes the important right-of-way rules when encountering other water sports enthusiasts.

Step 6: Driving Training

First, we take a close look at how sailing on a beam reach and close reach works and warm up with preliminary exercises. Then we put the theory into practice and practice the courses on the water. Afterwards, you will learn how to sail upwind (close-hauled course) and how to tack.

Step 7: In-depth Knowledge and Examination

At the end of your kite camp, we will once again focus on equipment and weather knowledge, internalize the right-of-way rules, and review what is important for your successful VDWS license exam. This way, you are optimally prepared and will soon be the proud owner of the globally recognized VDWS Kitesurf License.

Step 8: Follow-up and Continued Action

This step is intended for discussing any open questions about the course and material purchase with your kite instructor. Additionally, you can plan your further kite career so that you can continue training purposefully and definitely achieve your next kite goals.